
Getting closer...in more ways than one.

At 44 days left, we are coming down the final stretch with wedding planning and we are still having fun (mostly).   Right now it’s all about checking off items on the “To Do” list.  Tuxes rented? Check!  DJ hired and filled in on music selections? Check! Seating chart completed? Let’s not get ahead of things just yet….  There are still a lot of things left to do to prepare for the big day, but I know that everything will fall into place and the day will be perfect. 

We have made it a point from the beginning of everything to outline our expectations for the day and from one another so we can make quick decisions, and not focus on the unimportant things.  The whole planning process has taught us a lot about how to communicate and how to rely on the other person.  We already know that we work well together, since that’s how we met, but doing life with someone else is different than just working together.  While we know that married life will be much different than engaged life, the process of planning the wedding together has taught us a lot about how to communicate, trust, forgive, and look after one another.

Emotions are running high right now.  From frustration that it hasn’t happened already, to pure elation that we are going to get to spend the rest of our lives with each other.  From looking forward to sharing a house, and never having to say goodbye each night to the other person, to pure disdain at packing a house full of nine years of nesting.  From happily imagining what the big day holds for us, to the frustration of having a list full of “To Do’s” left before we get there.  The next 44 days will be full of all sorts of emotions, but each one of them teaches us something about ourselves, and each other, and prepares us for a lifetime together. 

The process of planning a wedding together has been a highlight of life so far with Gigi.  Going through each of the emotions and stages of planning has been an awesome experience.  When I see how much we have learned from each other and how much we continue to want to know the other person completely, it makes me so excited to get married to this incredible woman.  In 44 days I will be married to the woman of my dreams...and let me tell you, I can’t wait!


m&j said...

I love your blog today...it really captures the whole experiance and i am glad that you have taken the time to look back and think about all of that.

m&j said...

Really, it was Jessica that left the above comment...hee hee

kevndawn said...

Your experiences encourage and inspire my love for my husband! So happy you two are so in love and enjoying every moment! ♥Dawn